I have served as a Board Member of Quail Springs for less than a year and have enjoyed every minute of it.
As a woman in my the middle years of my life, I have been reflecting on what I am doing in this world, what I am good at and how I can be of service to the greater good. You know, light stuff like that.
Well, one of the desires I have, or I guess you could say at the core of my purpose in this life is to inspire people (self included) to be living regenerative and creative lives that connect us to our fullest selves and world. I desire to serve as a bridge for people who self-identify as wanting something different for themselves and who are open to new things, perspectives, and riding their growing edges.
Synchronistically, being of service to the goals and awesome manifestations of Quail Springs and the True Nature Society is allowing me to fulfill my purpose in this world.
Right now, I work and live in Santa Barbara, mostly in front of a computer, but serving as a Quail Springs Board Member I get to walk in two worlds: a challenging and yet enriching urban one that most of us know well AND a more commonly sourced, grounded one that has been a eye-opening and life-changing for the many of us that have had the opportunity to have an experience out in the Cuyama Valley.
It lights me up to be an urban ambassador for this cutting-edge, rural life of re-connecting people to meaningful, rich, nourishing and ancestral ways.
Thanks for inviting me to join the team.